- Provides exposure- as soon as a person posts an advertisement for a classified site, it is visited from people all across the globe. If at all your services and products are well appreciated by the customers then your other products too may get exposure from people residing in different parts of the world and thus your productivity increases.
- Saves time- after the advent of online classifieds, all the services and products are just a door step away. You can get whatever you want in the least of time. Take the example of online shopping where you can shop almost anything just by a simple click of the mouse.
- Convenient- online ad is a convenient mode of marketing your products online and at the same time customers can look for any affordable products from the comfort of their homes. These websites provide easy navigation, featured listing, flexible search option and category based product listings for your ease and comfort.
- Cost effective tool- the classified ads are categorized according to various options and one among them is the budget. You can look for almost everything that suits your budget without hesitating. Read More
Monday, 24 February 2014
How classified advertisements are beneficial for your business?
Friday, 21 February 2014
Advertising prospects of online classifieds websites

Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Online classifieds considered as the most lucrative advertising platform
Thursday, 13 February 2014
10dayads - The best online advertising platform
The first stage of any product involves its blueprint and design following which the product is manufactured. But this is certainly not the end of the whole process as there must always be a strong marketing strategy backing the product so that it meets its deserved buyer base. For that, one of the best revered strategies employed by product owners across the world is to publicize the product on the internet as it is much quicker than sticking posters on walls. In the present day and age, online classifieds are nothing short of a rage amongst internet-savvy people as they have the liberty to choose from a surfeit of products that have been advertised from even the farthest corners of the world.
10dayads is one such website which has gained immense popularity ever since it went live on the internet. It is one of the best platforms available online owing to reasons stated below.
Why is 10dayads revered as the best advertising platform?

The answer lies in its strict no-spam technology as the website has been designed to function in such a way that it ascertains the credibility of the seller first before giving the right to the person or party to post their advertisement. Each and every advertisement on the 10dayads classified website stays for a time window of 10 days during which buyers and sellers from all across the world indulge in fair trading of their products. All of the transactions as well as activities on an advertisement are monitored, especially in cases when an advertisement turns out to be a hoax. But with the elaborate policy of 10dayads team, all of the advertisements are analysed thoroughly before being highlighted on the website.
Strategy for ascertaining credibility of a product

10dayads keeps a strict provision as per which a seller has to present a picture of the product or a video which shows the product in working condition so that buyers do not have second thoughts regarding any product. Basically, this provision eradicates all scopes of a hoax advertisement as many a times the product that has been displayed on a website turns out to be something else in reality. It might either turn out to be defective or in other cases, it might not serve the purpose of the buyers as per their expectations.
High prospects of earning a lucrative profit

It has been highlighted above that online advertising is certainly the best form of publicity any product can get. Thus, advertising products on a free advertising website will certainly be no money spent for any seller providing the product is highlighted in a justifiable manner without any unrealistic descriptions, as such. By posting an advertisement on the Free classifieds websites, you will earn more profit.
Henceforth, 10dayads happens to be a single-stop platform to advertise all kinds of products under categories on a global level.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Tips on how you can list your used car for sale online

Online classified websites greatly help sellers to list all their used and unused items online. With the help of online websites, they are able to post free ads in all categories. Free online ad posting allows users to sell their most expensive items from houses, jewelry to automobiles at fair a price. Sellers do not want to waste their time and money on looking for buyers. In fact they shall get ample of buyers right at their door steps. Free classifieds websites and ad posting helps one to sell all varieties of used cars ranging from the luxurious Mercedes Benz till the most fuel efficient Maruti 800. Sellers are just required uploading the picture of the car along with its description and price range. If the seller lets you know the price of the car is negotiable, then that should be mentioned along with the description of the car.
With the assistance of online classifieds , sellers can also sell car accessories along with the used cars. If you feel like replacing your old stereo system with the new one, then that can be done by posting a free ad for it. Sellers can hunt for buyers as per their locations. They can mention which part of the state they are in. By mentioning the exact location of a particular place, sellers receive a better advantage. By posting the ad for local area, one reduces the cost of handling and transporting the car to another location. The seller can directly meet the buyer and can handover the vehicle himself. Moreover, the payment issues are also simultaneously solved.
With advent of internet marketing and online shopping, emergence of free advertising websites is also remarkably increasing. Gone are the days, when sellers were required to pay huge amount of sums for selling their products online. With such a huge advancement in technology, you can conveniently sell all your home items without spending a penny for the advertisement. If you have finally decided to get rid of you old cars then following are some of the best tips that must be opted by you for free ad posting:
- Mention the model number of the car along with its color and condition
- Mention the number of years for which it has been used
- Try to upload video and some pictures of the car that are clear and have been recently taken
- Also mention if any unattached accessory are available
- At last, mention the price of the car
• Reports have arisen that online business marketing and selling has witnessed a great boom with free ad posting websites. Apart from used cars and houses, you can also choose to advertise those products that are manufactured by your own company. You can consolidate your business by uploading some videos that explain the purpose/helpfulness of your product in a better way.
Monday, 10 February 2014
Selling products online with video advertisement is very easy
Every individual tends to have a lot of items they have not used in a while or even forgot that they have them at home. Such items not only end up taking up space, but also tend to depreciate in value over time. Using online classifieds ad services is the ultimate way to get rid of these items. No matter whether you want to sell an old television, radio, guitar, piano or anything else, US classifieds shall always help you to find buyers that are in your own local area. This website has been encouraging users to post their free ads allowing them to upload pictures and videos of their products. Users can describe their products, thereby showing an enhanced section of buyers to the products they want sell.
USA classified service acts like a virtual marketplace that introduces buyers and sellers to each other. By posting free ads, both the sellers and buyers receive equal benefits. Such websites help find deals that are profit to the sellers and benefit a to the buyers. With such a huge variety of online products, buyers can get what they want at their own budget. The uploaded videos just act like a cherry on the cake. Sellers can conveniently make a video of the desired product and can mention best of features about it. By doing so, they can explain to the buyers in a better way thereby motivating them to buy the posted products. Apart from selling products and commodities, sellers can also sell various kinds of services.
The second-hand products that are kept for sale are good in condition and less in price. Such products are in great demand by buyers and it is quite beneficial for both of them. With online free ad posting, sellers can sell some of the most fantastic personalized goods including antiques and handicrafts that cannot be easily found at offline markets. Such products can reach the customers through official portals of the companies.
It has been seen that videos and posts uploaded over the internet tend to receive better customer responses within a reasonable time spans. The uploaded videos enhance the displayed products. Such videos comprise of both tangible and intangible products. The list includes electronics, vehicles, property, services, kits, mobile phones, jewelry and residential ,apartments. You can post classified ads for all of these and various similar services as well.
It would not be wrong to say that one can upload ads for almost anything present on the face of earth. The uploaded videos are gradually turning out to be the wagon of web marketing. It is gaining enhanced popularity. However, always place an order only when you are completely satisfied with the features, appearance and price of the posted ad.
Friday, 7 February 2014
Why do buyers look up for second hand products online?
With the advent of internet marketing, classified ads have gained a new definition altogether. People who desire to buy goods along with the saving money generally hunt for classified ads that have been posted by the owners of these goods. Buyers can spot a wide range of second hand goods online. They can spot clothes, cars, homes, jewelries, DVDs and lots more. Earlier, classified advertisements used to be printed over the newspapers and magazines because of which cost of publishing used to be pretty high. Sellers generally avoided posting ads for second hand goods. But with the advancement in technology, sellers can conveniently post free ads over the internet without burning a hole in their pockets.
When you post free classified ads over the internet, then there is a greater possibility for you to receive responses from the audiences. Free classifieds websites are easily searchable unlike the printed materials. Buyers are just required to state the name of the commodity over the search bar for viewing the posted ads. In case of emergencies buyers can quickly get acquainted to all possible ads of a particular commodity posted over the internet. The website masters do not use pay-per line policies. Thus the ads posted over the websites tend to be elongated and promotional. The free classified ads posted over the internet have a low cost structure and self-policing nature. Generally, companies focus upon local advertisements as it involves lesser risk. However, some of the websites also allow the users to post free of cost ads globally and one such company is 10dayads.com It already attracted millions of online users for posting of cost-free ads worldwide. You can sell your stuff with the help of online portals. Some of such portals have begun to render gratis classified marketplaces online like 10dayads.com Such marketplace cater the niche of the market products in a better way. Various ads posted include cars, pianos, boats, adult services and pet. The specialized services render better and targeted research capacities than the general search engines and ordinary classified ad services.
10dayads.com allow the users to customize their ads use specialized ad templates. It has an ability to post the ad with Video so the buyer can see the items working and hence gets a wide range of target audience. And also, 10dayads.com provides an option to sell worldwide with a Multiple Location option on a select location page.
The worldwide business of Online classifieds in 2003 was estimated to be around $100 billion. The revenue earned by the online portals is increasing every day. The websites allow the users to post their ads along with various pictures of the products.
The person posting the free ad needs to provide the details along with his/her address and mobile number. One has to also state whether the product belongs to first hand category or the second hand category. The negotiability of the price of the products is also required to be stated. The person who is interested in the deal shall contact on the given mobile number. After the deal is finalized, the product can be either fetched from the house of the seller or can be received via courier service.
In order to post free ads, you need to first of all prepare a list of all reputed websites that render such services. 10dayads.com, a leading classified website allows the users to categorize their ad. In order to receive ultimate result, you should think in a professional manner. The posted ad should be short and attractive. Make sure that it has a specialized tone and is perfectly crafted so that the users immediately respond in the given email address or phone number.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
It's time to opt Video classifieds - Here the right way is the best way

free advertising websites No doubt, there are several free advertising websites> on the World Wide Web, but only a handful offer users to post videos along with pictures of the product they wish to sell. And one of the best ones is 10dayads.com. This is a highly popular online classified site which was launched with an aim for serving as a platform for people belonging to global as well as local community to interact with each other, trade and meet and help in ways that mutually benefit both the parties. Through 10dayads, users can look for different stuff in a convenient manner through this classified site’s platform even as it helps people to connect with others sharing common interests in a faster and a simple way.Read More.....
Monday, 3 February 2014
HURRAY!!! Now Sell Your Items Online With Video Not Just Pictures
You see thousands of items just scattered around your house, simply gathering dust, which are of no use nowadays. Maybe it's your clothes which do not fit you any longer, your kid's toys which he/she is now bored with of or simply grown out of. All this stuff is making your room look very cluttered. There is a simple way to make your room look neat and tidy. What's more, you can even make money out of these stuffs. And how do you do that? It is simple, sell them online. There are numerous medium to sell your stuff online.
Classified advertising used to be initially common in the newspapers. In recent times, online classifieds have become very popular. Previously, advertisement in the newspaper used to be short, considering the usage of space in the newspaper. They charge for each line given in the newspaper. On the contrary, the Internet does not do per line pricing. So, it is longer and more detailed. Unlike the print in a small corner of the newspaper, the classifieds are easily searchable on the Internet. Thus, it establishes a wide scope for the audience. As a result, there are growing numbers of online classifieds, catering to the demands of the consumers. 10dayads.com is one specialized service classified which takes care of particular products, provides enhanced search capabilities and gives higher visibility.
In order to receive maximum exposure, advertising is the best option. You can place your advert with pictures or videos. Various free advertising websites can help you accomplish this. Catering to your needs, you can get more viewers on these sites. By placing an ad, you can get more buyers, and therefore your old stuff can make you money. You can post attractive pictures OR VIDEO of your product. This will catch the attention of the customers and persuade them to buy the product. Previously, people used to look upon free advertising as bad, as they would thought that it is just spam but now things have changed for the better. People are willing to try. If a customer is getting a product at a much cheaper rate than a new one, then he will definitely vouch for it. The fact is people are now more open to reading free advertising websites.
Another medium of posting your products online is by free classified websites, such as 10dayads.com. The completion is more stiff and fierce. The process is very simple. Upload the items with picture or video along with the decryption, set your price and sell them. There are various segments that are categorized dutifully. Whether its your old car, bike, PC, your kid's old toy, anything. It is very simple and easy way to get the world to know about your product. Also, you can even give safety tips to your buyers. So, besides the photo and the years used, the classifieds can be more informative. It helps the sellers to give a detailed description of the product. All this can be done free on the websites. Thus, this can be the best option of selling your unused items. You can get money and with the money earned, you can have family vacations or just go for other shopping.

With so many options in hand, now selling products from the comfort of your home is no longer a daunting task. All you need is to upload the VIDEO or PICTURES of products and enjoy happy and convenient selling. People are surely availing this opportunity quite effectively