When it comes to buying a used car, the very first thing that I would look for is quality and the overall shape of the car. 10daysads is a one of its kind classifieds site that allows buyers and sellers to interact directly and buy sell trade stuff without the intervention of middlemen. Suppose, if you want to sell a car on 10daysads, you would want to place a nice, interactive and an appealing ad so that you get maximum responses to your ad and you can sell it to someone who offers the highest price for the car.
At wholesale auction sites and classified sites like 10daysads, thousands of cars are advertised during the entire year. A reliable and experienced used car dealer knows the various factors to look for when dealing with used cars. Most of the times, the cars that are considered to be reliable would draw the highest or the strongest bids. So when you look up at the local classifieds ads site, you will find that cars that are rated as more reliable will get the maximum number of responses from prospective buyers. However, this may not be true always. There are some models that have experienced expensive transmission failure when its odometer cross the 100,000 mile marker. Some other models exhibit different kinds of things like chronic rust issues, blown head gaskets and inoperative battery packs particularly for hybrid cars.
When one looks to sell automotive product on an online classifieds site, he/she should be quoting the price properly to get maximum responses. Renowned automotive publications like J.D Power & Associates and Consumer Reports do an exceptional job by listing down the defect trends found in slightly used as well as new vehicles. However, once that particular car is sold by the one who has participated in the survey, there is no way one can access the vehicle’s history. An average car owner, as witnessed in the last decade, typically keeps the car for about five or six years and this prevents analysts from collecting ample data.
There is no reliable tracking service that can cut through the various problems and defects in vehicles. Thus, a decade old car that everyone thought was highly reliable will on some occasions, face glaring issues and no one may be aware of this. The database created by Consumer Reports’ provides detail about the past 10 years. However, the average truck or car is almost 11.4 years old.
Here is a list of 10 worst used cars that even dealers find apprehensive to deal with
- Mazda CX-7 (Engine issues on these cars are massive with almost a third of these vehicles sold with "Engine needs service" claims at the auctions.)
- Land Rover Freelander (A cost-cutting mission that went too far)
- Mini Cooper (Poor transmissions that are strangely expensive to replace. Cheap looking interior parts. Cheap hydraulics as well.)
- Land Rover Discovery (Expensive Powertrains, Expensive parts.. Electronics that are seemingly the progeny of Beelzebub.)
- Mazda Millenia (Transmission issues, Engine issues, and cheap looking interiors that just don't fit well.)
- Lincoln LS (Same unimpressive Powertrain as the Jaguar S-Type with almost identical results.)
- Jaguar S-Type (Extensive engine and transmission issues on all V-6 and V-8 models. Also for Limited edition models with impious replacement costs.)
- Lincoln Aviator ( Unpopular, gussied-up Ford Explorer that had never heard of software and sensor issues which adversely affected the overall electronics and Powertrain.)
- Mazda 626 (Automatic transmission issues on all models.)
- Volkswagen New Beetle (cheap interior components and automatic transmission issues; diesel models with 5-speed manuals are believed to be the best Powertrain option.)
Image & Data Source:
Steven Lang